When Empress Catherine died of cancer in 1948, her brother Georg Nicholai assumed the monarchy. Following the Worker’s Revolt of 1951, His Majesty the Imperial Cesar Emperador Georg Nicholai de Rochelle (pictured left) appointed financial expert Jacobin Schnacht as Imperial Prime Minister of Rocaterrania, his second in command.
Personal Significance:
Since Kuhler invented Rocaterrania after he had moved with his parents to the KZ Ranch in Colorado in 1948, Empress Catherine’s rule was imagined as a backstory to represent his childhood spent under the thumb of his mother. Georg Nicholai represented Renaldo’s father (Otto Kuhler) and his authority on the cattle ranch he had purchased. The family struggled financially on the ranch, having no experience raising cattle, so Schnacht reflected Otto’s attempts at entrepreneurship – real estate development, blacksmithing, etc. – to make ends meet.
The likeness, basic character, and background of Russia’s Tsar Nicholas II were the inspirations for Cesar Georg Nicholai de Rochelle. Georg Nicholai’s collapse, abdication, and execution at the hands of revolutionaries largely mirrored the circumstances of the fall of Nicholas II in the Revolution of 1917 in Russia.