Beulis Euliona Hulleston and Eudell (“Eutie”) Eulon Dellaston lived privately with Premier Josip Wepka in his apartment in the former servant quarters of the Ciudella. Since Wepka never married, and since Beulis and Eutie were two of the sexiest neutants in Rocaterrania, many suspected that Wepka’s relationship with them was romantic. Wepka seemed to enjoy keeping people guessing, and was impervious to the abundant gossip.
Personal Significance:
Like Premier Josip Wepka, Kuhler was a confirmed bachelor for life. He fantasized that Eutie and Beulis were his own roommates and lovers. To physically represent them, he purchased two aluminum pipes, each one measuring six feet in length and six inches in diameter, meticulously covered them with layers of laminated paper, and burnished them until they were as smooth as polished wood. For many years, he slept between “Eutie” and “Beulis.”
The history of eunuchs, particularly those of the Chinese and Ottoman courts. Kuhler created Eutie, Beaulis and the other neutant characters in the 1970s as a “backstory” after he taught himself the craft of scientific illustration for his job at the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences. Such techniques are evident in illustrations such as this one. In his never-ending quest to perfect the neutant anatomy, Kuhler frequently employed a Xerox machine, carefully altering each photocopy to create the latest iteration.