Untitled, c. 1968-70
Untitled (Green House with Two Chimneys), c. 1968-70
Untitled (House), c. 1968-70
Untitled (Woman with Ponytail in Egg), c. 1968-70
Untitled, (Abstraction #2), c. 1968-70
Untitled, (Abstraction), c. 1968-70
Untitled, (Bee My Valentine), c. 1960s
Untitled, (It's Sears Footlights Kitchen Carpeting. Go Ahead - Spill a Little, c. 1960s
Untitled, 1968-1970
Untitled, 1968-1970
Untitled, 1968-1970
Untitled, 1968-1970